Δημοσιεύτηκε 10 Απριλίου, 2012


Dream big and take steps outside your comfort zone. Startup live sets the scene.

Topic: Social and Cultural Enterpreneurship

When: 08. June – 10. June 2012
Where: ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece
Language: English

In a unique atmosphere, people from various backgrounds come together, get to know each other and develop early business drafts and to a level, that they can be presented to investors. Participants either pitch their own business idea, or help a presenter develop his/her project. The main objective is to form interdisciplinary teams and to accelerate the best ventures and teams to the next level. Startup live is hosting the preliminary pitch workshop on June 7th afternoon for all those who want to present their project. Before the pitchers get to this stage, they will have to fill out a form which will be sent to you as soon as you register. At the preliminary pitch workshop all presenters receive individual feedback on their idea and their presentation technique. These two steps make it easier for you to prepare and for Startup live to support you the best way possible.

This year is focused on cultural and social entrepreneurship, as those sectors are getting more established in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Presenters and/or teams are asked to come with a solid market research and initial business strategy in order to get the most out of the guidance and feedback received by advisors, former and current entrepreneurs with experience from the Greek and international market, during the event. The highlight of the event is the final presentation in front of a judging board and the audience. On top of that, Startup Live offers networking possibilities at their best with other innovators and future partners.


  •     2 tickets for the Pioneers Festival
  •     Annual subscription for the 3 winning teams at Loft2Work (as individuals or teams)
  •     Admission to Metavallon’s Gymnasium Athens in Fall 2012 for the winners (as individuals or teams) powered by Metavallon


Event Contact

Xenia Mastropetrou

Mail: xenia.mastropetrou@startuplive.in
Phone: 00306949191893
Twitter: @XeniaMstp