STEP-C: A center for the promotion and support of innovation & entrepreneurship

Accounting Officer

Giorgos Mastorakis is a graduate of the School of Management and Economics of the Department of Accounting of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, holds a Class A Accountant license and is a member of the Economic Chamber. He specializes in the legislation of Public Limited Companies, in the field of operation, conversion and merger of companies.

He has been working as a freelance accountant since 1994 and works with companies operating in the IT sector and in the sectors of Tourism, Construction and Commerce.

In some of them, he participates in the Board of Directors having an active role in the center of business decision making, practicing Management Accounting, and participates in the process of defining their financial strategy.

He has also participated in the past in consultation committees of the Mediation and Arbitration Organization (OMED) for the determination of Enterprise Labour Contracts.