Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) is a cross-border exchange program financed by the EU, which gives to new and/or potential entrepreneurs the chance to travel and stay for a period of 1 to 6 months in one of the 45 Participating Countries. New entrepreneurs are hosted by experienced entrepreneurs located in another country with the aim of exchanging experiences and business ideas.
The eighth cycle of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program started on 1/02/2016 and lasts until 31/01/2018.
The consortium partners are from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Slovenia and Greece.
The program is managed locally by a network of Intermediary Organizations (IOs) such as chambers of commerce, business “incubators” or other organizations that support businesses and are already involved in promoting entrepreneurship at European, national or regional level.
The Managing Company of the Science & Technology Park of Crete (EDAP S.A.) acts as as a local point of contact / Intermediary Organization (IO)
Newsletters (in Greek)
- Newsletter for the 1st semester, February 2016-July 2016
- Newsletter for the 2nd semester, August 2016-January 2017
- Newsletter for the 3rd semester, February 2017- July 2017
- Newsletter for the 4rth semester, August 2017-January 2018