Innovation Norway is planning a conference and matchmaking event on Green Industry Innovation, Digitalisation and ICT on March 19th, 2019 at Sentralen in Oslo, in a venue whichaccommodate up to 300 participants. The event will be organised under the umbrella of Enterprise Europe Network.
Purpose of the event: to provide a forum for discussion and collaboration within green industry innovation, digitalisation and ICT to establish a meeting platform for potential partners within R&D, technology suppliers and potential clients for collaboration towards EEA / Norway Grants and Horizon2020
We have set up a profile database where interested partners can register and book B2B-speed meetings for March 19th (B2Match), here.
Target group: Private sector enterprises
Among the topics for the matchmaking will be: Digitalisation and sustainability Industry 4.0 Internet of Things Robotisation, automatisation Cyber security Health tech FinTech
The matchmaking will address activities within fields like:
- Development and implementation of “greener production processes” using automatisation, digitalisation, robotisation of industrial processes and technologies,
- Increasing efficiency of production and industry in general Development of ICT products/processes/solutions
- Development of environmentally friendly products/processes/solutions using ICT components
Framework conditions: The event will be an important contribution to bilateral partner search within the business programmes in Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece and Poland, to which Innovation Norway isFund Operator or Donor Programme Partner. We will be able to accommodate around 15-20 participants from each participating country.
Travel support could be available for participants that are a potential applicant under the Business Development Progamme for Greece (Eligibility criteria: SMEs established as legal entities in Greece, been in operation for at least one year at the deadline of the call (est. June 2019), a financial situation that could enable the enterprise to implement a project, good business practise.)
The admission and validation of the profile in the database will create the basis for applying for travel support via the Travel Support Scheme which will be made available on the Programme website soon.