Innovation stories | ORamaVR : Accelerating the worldwide transition to medical education through virtual reality

Published February 21, 2024

ORamaVR is accelerating the worldwide transition to virtual reality medical education by offering a software platform, the MAGES™ SDK (Software Development Kit). This platform organizations and developers to massively create high-fidelity, high-fidelity medical virtual reality simulations 8 times faster and at one-eighth the cost of current industry models. These state-of-the-art simulations are available to hospitals, medical device companies, medical schools and medical training centers for training and evaluation of their physicians. The outstanding benefits of this award-winning platform have been demonstrated in 4 published clinical trials. In addition, except to the significant cost reduction and required development time, the platform has been proven to provide effective skill transfer from the virtual to the real operating table.

ORamaVR aims to accelerate the worldwide transition to virtual reality medical education by offering an IT software platform called MAGES™ SDK (Software Development Kit). This platform enables institutions and developers to create mass, high-fidelity, high-fidelity, virtual reality medical simulations 8 times faster and at one-eighth the cost of current industry standards. These state-of-the-art simulations can, quickly and less expensive, be made available to hospitals, medical device companies, medical schools and medical training centers for the education and evaluation of healthcare professionals. The outstanding benefits of this awarded platform (MAGES SDK) have been demonstrated in 5 published clinical trials. In addition, to drastically reducing development costs and time-consuming process, the platform has been shown to provide effective skill transfer from the virtual to the real operating table.

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