GoBrand Project (www.gobrand.gr) is a new project financed by the programme INTERREG Greece-Cyprus 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is to push off the brand name and to promote of agrofood products and tourism of Crete and Cyprus.
The partnership consists of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) as Lead partner and as partners the Chambers of Lassithi and Chios, the Development companies of the Chambers of Dodecanese and Cyclades and the Science & Technology Part of Crete (STEP-C), which is part of the Foundation for Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH).
The activities which will be implemented in the framework of the project are focused to the support of networking, extroversion and promotion of exports of SMEs as well as the promotion of the local traditional products of Crete and Cyprus.
Duration of the project 1/11/2017 -30/04/2020