EnzyQuest and SMATHI, participated in the “Researchers’ Night 2022” event

Published October 14, 2022

FORTH organized the “Researchers’ Night 2022”  event,  on September 30, 2022 (17:00-23:00), with great success.

Two of STEP-C tenants, EnzyQuest and SMATHI, participated in the event and presented to the visitors their innovative projects and products.

1. A night in EnzyQuest’s production lab of molecular reagents

Industrial biotechnology utilizes microorganisms, or microorganism byproducts (such as enzymes), to generate products useful for research and molecular diagnostics.

EnzyQuest, a Spin-out company of FORTH, is the first Greek company, that is internationally certified, for the production of molecular reagents.

The past two years, EQ produces the only Greek molecular diagnostic RT-PCR kit, for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, which the visitors had the chance to “make” with EQ during the event !

The visitors had the ability to participate into the “Production line” of EnzyQuest (Production, Quality Control, Product release) through various activities.

This way, they had the opportunity to understand how the method of RT-PCR works, as well as what the basic stages in the production line of a Biotech company are.


Konstantinos Loukakis and Konstantinos Lazaridis presented two open-source machines, Dedalus and a modified version of LumenPnP.

Dedalus is a very fast and accurate 3D printer with automatic bed leveling and tool-changing mechanism that can print single objects from multiple materials, or even process them with cutting bits and lazers. 

LumenPnP is a pick and place machine that uses OpenPnP, an amazing open-source software that uses vision-control to place SMD components with very high accuracy on PCBs.