Watch the video and learn about the successful business exchange relationship of Simona, the New Entrepreneur from Italy with the experienced Host Entrepreneur, Alexandra, whose loom studio is based in Rethymno city, Crete, Greece.
They share their experience and talk about how the exchange helped them both.
We take a brief look into the benefits Alexandra got from hosting Simona in her company. The NE was always willing to help in the daily activities of the studio and her input with the color combinations and the designers was very important.
Simona got a new vision about looms while at the same time she realized what it takes to get a business running. In the video, she shares her impressions and achievements through her participation in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme.
Alexandra helped Simona to identify areas from this work experience that would help her in her development so that she would be better equipped in reaching her goals.
Simona became not only an important part of the studio but also a part of Alexandra’s family.
They highlight the results they achieved together (hands-on experience). They wish they could have extended the time of their collaboration and they plan to stay in touch.